Social Networking Sites
Price: Free
The most important tool is free and open to all! Social Networking sites and blog give you an outlet for your message and politics is all about message. Not only are they for fun but if used wisely, you can create and advertise your own work. |
High-End Laptop
Price: $800-$1500
When your goal is to publish content, you new a powerful tool to publish with. That's where a high-end laptop (like the Macbook Pro pictured) comes into play. The more powerful your tools, the easier it is to create. |
Price: $150-$200
In this brave new world, you can never afford to be out of the loop. Here's where a Smartphone comes into play. You can text, e-mail, browse the web, and download apps that will help keep up your productivity wherever you go. |
Political Knowledge
Price: Priceless
Being a tech savvy politico still requires some knowledge of politics, current events, and policy. Anyone can start a blog or tweet, but also having textbook knowledge of what you're talking about gives you an edge.